Performance Profiling to Better Golf Scores

Stress Test

Stress Test

Take this test to determine your current stress levels and find out how that’s effecting your performance.

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Personality Test

Personality Test

Find your Dominate and Sub Dominate Personality Traits and Learn how to use it for Instruction, Practice & Play.

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Anger Test

Anger Test

Take this test to determine your current Anger levels and find out how that’s effecting your performance.

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Using Your Personality To Improve Your Game

A performance profiling method has evolved to assist teachers and golfers to reach peak performance.  With our personality methodology assessment, a golfer can maximize new ways to learn how to practice and play, which will lead to better performance.


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About Us

Golf performance enhancement, especially mental training, is often only focused on conscious psychological application. Positive self-talk, motivational affirmations, anger reduction, target orientation and other basic theories on performance often lack the complete understanding on primal fight or flight physiological responses that are often confused for mental inadequacies. This is especially applicable in severe stressful and continuous high anxiety ridden situations where none of the above mentioned will successfully inhibit poor performance.

Our main objective is to demystify the balance between what is physically primal in responses to what is psychologically and socially learned.